“What We Do And Don’t Tell You”

We tell you about the cities, and all the amazing sights.

We tell you about our rides, and all those chicken lights.

We tell you about the memories made, in Aldean’s “Fly over states.”

We tell you about how the money was, and those old high dollar rates.

We tell you about the sunsets, hand-painted by God’s brush.

We tell you how we love to ride, and that we’re not always in a rush.

We tell you about the friendships made, and the chatter of the CB box.

We tell you how we love to run, 20 of us in a flock.

We tell you about all the good stuff, chest out and head held high.

We conveniently forget to mention, behind the wheel’s where most of us will die.

What we don’t tell you is what gets us, and causes all the pain. The 80 degrees and sunny, but feels like it always rains.

What we don’t tell you about is the loneliness, and the voices in our head.

We don’t tell you about the dangers we face, or how we almost ended up dead.

What we don’t tell you about is the heartbreak, or how it feels when she’s gone.

We don’t tell you about the tears that roll, when hearing that favorite country song.

What we don’t tell you about is the laws we break, to get goods delivered to the dock.

We don’t tell you about the stress it causes, always racing against the clock.

What we don’t tell you about are the health risks, and rarely finding a decent meal.

We don’t tell you about the harassment, for driving 80 feet of steel.

What we don’t tell you about is the time away, days turning into weeks.

What we don’t tell you is how we miss our kids, and the innocence of rosey cheeks.

What we don’t tell you is that it’s more than a job, for some of us it’s a calling.

We don’t tell you about the industry either, or how damn fast it’s falling.

What we don’t tell you is what it takes, to keep America stocked.

We don’t tell you about point A to point B, or how THAT road was blocked.

What we don’t tell you about are the insane days, or the even more crazy nights.

We don’t tell you about the hold ups either, or doing thousand mile flights.

What we don’t tell you about is the brutal truth, of what it takes us to keep earning.

We don’t tell you about the toll it’s taking, or how part of our souls are burning.

What we don’t tell you is that we keep it inside, hidden by all this polished steel.

We mask this pain by a catchy phrase like, “We’re just out here doing that deal”..

Written by Kris Santoianni
Photo Credit Tom Miedema